Daily Schedule


Yoga Shala in forest (1).jpg

7:30 - Courtyard opens

Hot water for range of herbal teas and fruits and nuts are available in the courtyard. Fresh coffee once it has brewed. We also offer an invitation to silence for everyone at this time. Respite care for the introverts in the group. Space for the morning to be heard.

9:00- Group Programme

Depending on the nature of the retreat you are participating in, group class activities such as yoga asana or movement practices with the energy of the rising sun.

10:30 - Breakfast

Breakfast is served, nourishing, substantial and fresh. Fruit salads and a different cereal grain porridge each day with an assortment of accompaniments to energise your gut microbiome.

11:00 - 14:00 - Programme or Free time

Free time in the forest is often where the magic happens. To allow time to simply listen to the music of the valley ecosystems and waters, alone or together, allows us to more fully process and integrate previous group activity.

14:00 - Lunch

Lunch is the largest meal 0f the day, when our agni or digestive fire is at its peak, ready to receive the ultimate nourishment from our food. All our meals are vegetarian, usually vegan and made using fresh and local ingredients wherever possible, ideal for the practice of yoga. Healthy, nutritious and delicious always cooked with love and care.

15:00 - 17:00 Rest

17:00 - Afternoon Programme

19:00 - Dinner

Dinner is light and nourishing, ideal for a restful night sleep. Take this time to enjoy the final light of the day and the beautiful vibrancy of sunset before basking in the glow of the moon or the brilliance of the star filled skies.